Supporting Adolescent Success and Life Readiness through Coaching — Is It Possible?

Touch Point Connection, a 501(c)(3) organization, has completed its five-year pilot program. With a deep sense of gratitude for those who supported us; in awe of the resilient and inspiring adolescents we coached; and having completed our work — the programs conducted by Touch Point Connection are now closed.

However, the website will remain available and has been revised to archive and share our work and learning — at no cost to any user — to generate more awareness about the beneficial outcomes that come from coaching conversations with youth.

In 2008, Touch Point Connection set out to explore if it would be possible:
  • To apply Executive and Personal Coaching processes with youth
  • To teach the skills of Basic Coaching Conversations to Volunteers in the community who care about youth
  • To connect trained Volunteer Success Coaches with youth who want to dream big and build their futures
  • To introduce and share coaching practices in schools, with youth-serving agencies, and with parents who wish to hold coaching conversations with teens  and young adults
  • To advocate for coaching youth as a tool for success
Two of our teens answered the question “is it possible” by saying:

Because of coaching, my life is better because I can actually meet my goals and reach for my future goals. I’m stronger and more positive since having a coach.

I am more eager to chase my dreams. Coaching has given me the strength to show the world what I’ve got and what I can do. I have learned to not limit my challenges, but challenge my limits.


Our Vision

Through the power of coaching, Touch Point Connection envisions youth who become self-reliant, confident and responsible, and whose contributions and choices as engaged citizens positively impact the quality of life for them and their community.

Touch Point Connection’s Offer and Invitation

We believe the outcomes shared on this website validate the need and value of coaching conversations with youth.

Touch Point Connection’s desire is to offer as a resource — our experiences, processes, and learning — for the sake of:

  • Introducing ideas and information to communities about the benefits of coaching conversations with youth
  • Providing support to schools and youth-serving organizations
  • Giving parents and adults ideas on how to improve their ability to communicate with adolescents
  • Inviting you to share this website with others who might value its content.

If you wish to partner with youth during their challenging adolescent years, please use this information to generate conversations and spark actions that support the outcomes they want.

Consider this question:

How will YOU be part of coaching conversations that help youth unleash their potential and build a better future for all?

Coaching Teens… Building Futures

Learn More

Students Say…

“Since I started working with a coach I'm way more confident and I don't care if people judge me.”
“Before coaching I was getting C's and D's. Now I am getting A's and B's on my report card.”
“I learned that I can be independent and don’t have to rely on others, but can get support when I feel I need it.”
“My coach and I worked on a graph so I could organize my time better. I was getting C’s and D’s on my progress report, now I am getting A’s and B’s on my report card.”
“I had somebody who would help me set up steps to reach my goals. It wasn't complicated, she made it simple. It was positive, and I had the ability to identify those steps.”
“At first we just talked, it felt good to talk to someone and really trust them.”
“Talking with someone helped me to understand what was right and wrong.”
“It felt good to have an adult in my life that I could trust and didn’t judge me.”
“Our relationship was more about a friendship. I have told him secrets - things about myself I have not told anyone else.”
“Before my coaching I had no ideas of what to do after high school. Now I have ideas on how to reach my goals.”
“When asked what makes an ideal coach, she responded: "Somebody who listens to my opinions and helps me get more ideas about what I want.”
“Before my coaching I had no idea of what to do after high school; now I have ideas on how to reach goals I didn’t know I had.”
“Because of coaching, my life is better because I can actually meet my goals and reach for my future goals.   I'm stronger and more positive since having a coach.”
“I know now that when I have a problem there are different ways to solve it other than violence.”
“My coach didn’t judge me and tell me I was throwing away my life.”
“Coaching has given me the strength to show the world what I've got and what I can do. I have learned to not limit my challenges but challenge my limits.”
“I connected with my coach. I wasn’t afraid to tell her personal stuff. I could trust her because I wasn’t being judged.”
“It was good. My coach helped me a lot with organizing my life.”
“Coaching was a moment where I could just talk about what I want.”
“I had someone who just listened. When I had a question there was a combination of getting ideas from him, and figuring out myself.”
“I used to think of myself as lazy and a failure. Since I've had a coach, my perspective is different and now I can see myself being successful.”