Students Say…
“I learned that I can be independent and don’t have to rely on others, but can get support when I feel I need it.”
“At first we just talked, it felt good to talk to someone and really trust them.”
“Before my coaching I had no idea of what to do after high school; now I have ideas on how to reach goals I didn’t know I had.”
“I had somebody who would help me set up steps to reach my goals. It wasn't complicated, she made it simple. It was positive, and I had the ability to identify those steps.”
“Talking with someone helped me to understand what was right and wrong.”
“Coaching has given me the strength to show the world what I've got and what I can do. I have learned to not limit my challenges but challenge my limits.”
“I used to think of myself as lazy and a failure. Since I've had a coach, my perspective is different and now I can see myself being successful.”
“My coach and I worked on a graph so I could organize my time better. I was getting C’s and D’s on my progress report, now I am getting A’s and B’s on my report card.”
“Since I started working with a coach I'm way more confident and I don't care if people judge me.”
“It felt good to have an adult in my life that I could trust and didn’t judge me.”
“Coaching was a moment where I could just talk about what I want.”
“I connected with my coach. I wasn’t afraid to tell her personal stuff. I could trust her because I wasn’t being judged.”
“When asked what makes an ideal coach, she responded: "Somebody who listens to my opinions and helps me get more ideas about what I want.”
“It was good. My coach helped me a lot with organizing my life.”
“Before coaching I was getting C's and D's. Now I am getting A's and B's on my report card.”
“I know now that when I have a problem there are different ways to solve it other than violence.”
“Before my coaching I had no ideas of what to do after high school. Now I have ideas on how to reach my goals.”
“Our relationship was more about a friendship. I have told him secrets - things about myself I have not told anyone else.”
“My coach didn’t judge me and tell me I was throwing away my life.”
“I had someone who just listened. When I had a question there was a combination of getting ideas from him, and figuring out myself.”
“Because of coaching, my life is better because I can actually meet my goals and reach for my future goals. I'm stronger and more positive since having a coach.”