Success Stories
Ilse’s Story
Midway through her sophomore year, Ilse felt she was wasting time, lacking focused goals, and yearning for self-confidence about her future. Just about that time, she discovered TPC’s Success Coaching program.
Ilse and her coach Lorri commenced weekly coaching meetings. Together, they developed a coaching relationship based on trust, respect, and positive energy. With Lorri’s non-judgmental support and guidance, Ilse’s eyes were opened to a new way of living — one that revolved around setting and achieving goals.

Today, Ilse is hard-working and ambitious. She spends her free time volunteering, exercising, and participating in public speaking events. These robust experiences are helping reveal Ilse’s formerly “hidden” self-confidence. In fact, she credits her new sense of self-assurance for her improved grades. “I am no longer afraid to speak up and ask questions in class,” she says. This same confidence is fueling a fresh perspective on her future as she explores possible career and college options.
As a coach, Lorri is proud of Ilse for evaluating what is or isn’t working in her life and coming up with solutions. Since graduating from high school, Ilse is continuing along her path to success at Pima Community College. She has big dreams for her future.
Nic’s Story
“I accomplished all of my goals last year with the help of my coach.” Nic’s words of victory are reflected in the pride felt by his coach, Arthur. A retired physician, he once wondered if he was cut out to be a coach who could listen, rather than diagnose and fix.

The pair had just just begun their third year of Success Coaching at Amphi High. At their first Meet-Up Arthur recalls the feelings of apprehension (typical of most first time Volunteer Coaches). But he kept his focus on getting Nic comfortable with sharing. Enthusiasm and pride quickly replaced Arthur’s concerns.
From the start, Nic demonstrated maturity, high-quality values, and a determination to succeed. He realized that the more he put into coaching, the more he got out of it, according to Arthur. As Nic explained, “I learned about personal values and adapting who I am to the life I want to live.”
Nic is now a high school graduate and attending a four-year university.
Jenny’s Story
Jenny came into the Touch Point program because an astute counselor noticed that she was struggling and suggested Jenny try coaching. Jenny and her coach Jane began their Success Coaching relationship mid-way through Jenny’s junior year. Jane’s consistency and respectful, non-judgmental presence each week gave Jenny a sanctuary in which to see and make positive choices. She was able to commit to graduating in spite of the challenges and advocate for what she needed to be successful.

Jenny wanted to do everything possible to graduate with her class. So she took summer school and extra courses each semester. That led to getting frustrated and tired. She wondered if she could keep up the pace — and if it would be worth it.
Through it all, Jane was present for her, listening, reflecting, and guiding Jenny toward self-determined solutions she could put into action.
Jenny successfully graduated with her Amphitheater High School Class! Jane was there to celebrate with “her teen” and shed tears of pride at Jenny’s success.
“Jane was my guardian angel,” says Jenny. “She seemed to be the only person who believed in me and, without her, I might not have made it to graduation.”
Jenny enrolled in community college and is now working toward her degree.